The Visual Link
Technical, creative or somewhere in-between – all our projects are projects with purpose.

Graphic Design

Information Design

Technical Illustration
The beauty of line
Ti-Visual specialises in the visual communication between you and your target audience. We combine creative graphic design and web services with niche technical illustration expertise to ensure the immediate recognition of your products and services and make complex concepts easy to understand.

Simply good design
All our designs are aimed at making an impact and communicating effectively. We pride ourselves on being able to make a winning difference to your product and marketing performance.
I have worked with Ti-Visual for several years and in that time everything they have done for us has been fantastic. We have an excellent working relationship, their work is always on-time, on-budget, and consistently accurate. They certainly remain our supplier of choice for technical documentation.
Peter Sixsmith,
MAN Diesel & Turbo UK
Zu erst einmal möchte ich mich für den sehr guten Stand der gelieferten Daten bedanken. Besonders die Kollegen vom Vertrieb haben sich lobend geäußert. Ein großes Dankeschön geht auch an alle bei Fa. beteiligten Mitarbeiter.
(Firstly, I would like to thank you very much for the very good quality of the data delivered. My colleagues from Sales in particular, have expressed much praise. A big thank you goes to all involved at your company)
Alexander Prätorius,
Many thanks for your efforts to get this one turned around as fast as possible. Much appreciated. A sterling service once again as promised. Thank you for your on-going support.
Andrew Richards,
Lionbridge Technologies
Re: Artist impression of proposed training facility: The end result is outstanding, especially given the time you have had to complete this. Very many thanks.
Phil Channon,
MAN Diesel & Turbo UK